Wednesday 28 October 2009

Absolutely new cigarettes.

The European Commission intends to ban traditional cigarettes across Europe and replace them with tobacco products, which go by themselves.

After 2-3 years, Europe will have a new smoke cigarettes, which go by themselves, if they did not smoke.

The secret of such cigarettes in bars (2 or 3 strips) from nonporous paper as a speed bump: when the fire goes up to these bands he wanted a smoker, to go after them. If cigarettes not smoked, it disappears in 2 minutes.

It is a pleasure with the news! This innovation will save lives, - says the British European Parliament member Arlene McCarthy. It occurs when people come home drunk, or drink at home then fell asleep on the couch with a cigarette in his hand, and then the fire begins to spread. Fireproof cigarettes reduce the risk of such cases.